Habbo UK was the branch of Habbo Hotel encompassing Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and Wales. It was incorporated in 2001. On June 10, 2010. Habbo UK merged with Habbo.com, marking the closing date of Habbo UK. Information. Habbo UK was the first English Hotel at the time. It was originally the international hotel, but soon after, Sulake opened new hotels for different communities. At first, it was hosted on the habbohotel.co.uk, then, for some odd reason, it changed to habbohotel.com Bienvenue à l'U engagez-vous ! Habbo uses its own and third-party cookies in order to provide a better service and display advertisement that fits your preferences. By using our website you agree to our cookie policy. ThisHabbo Radio is an official international radio fansite for Habbo.com! We're aimed at the Habbo community. Our community consists of people from all over the world! ThisHabbo is owned by irDez, he originated from Habbo UK. He's assisted by all round Site Manager BraveHeart71. Habbo utilise des cookies propres et tiers afin d'offrir le meilleur service et montrer la pub en accord avec tes préférences. Si tu utilises notre web, nous considérons que tu acceptes son utilisation. LOADING. version 5.6.5 LOADING. version 5.6.5 Habbo is in da House! 03.05.2018. Kampagnen & Aktivitäten; Diesen Monat werden wir häuslich in Habbo. Lies weiter, um herauszufinden, was es Neues geben wird! HabboEvents im Mai 03.05.2018. Hier findest du alle Events, die im Monat Mai stattfinden werden! Event von teddy_x, Musiikfreeak und kullerauge1 03.05.2018
Bienvenue à l'U engagez-vous ! Qui est en ligne ? Nos membres ont posté un total de 2 messages Nous avons 5 membres enregistrés L'utilisateur enregistré le plus récent est xXGamingXx: Il y a en tout 0 utilisateur en ligne :: 0 Enregistré, 0 Invisible et 0 Invité :: 1 Moteur de recherche Le record du nombre d'utilisateurs en ligne est de 6 le Mer 31 Mai - 2:46
Join millions in the planet's most popular virtual world for teens. Create your avatar, meet new friends, role play, and build amazing spaces. 10 Jun 2010 Habbo UK was the branch of Habbo Hotel encompassing Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and Wales. It was incorporated in 2001. On June Archiving Habbo UK: Old school screenshots 2001, 2002, Hobba Archives, Habbo Hotel 2001 Tour, and much more!
Habbo UK. Remembering My Habbo Roots. Xmas Tree. Awarded to everyone who visited Habbo during December 2006. Happy Christmas! 100 % Respected Habbo X. For earning respect 1166 times. You run this XIV. For logging in 180 days in a row after previous achievement. Outstanding. Habbo UK 8th Birthday. Habbo UK 8th Birthday . See all. Friends (5 out of 482)!-x-Cristina-x-! i | kylie,xoxox!BiteMe
-UK--. Scissors, Fork or Spoon. Friends (5 out of 286) Join millions in the planet's most popular virtual world for teens. Create your avatar, meet new friends, role play, and build amazing spaces. 10 Jun 2010 Habbo UK was the branch of Habbo Hotel encompassing Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and Wales. It was incorporated in 2001. On June Archiving Habbo UK: Old school screenshots 2001, 2002, Hobba Archives, Habbo Hotel 2001 Tour, and much more! and engagement) and in London, United Kingdom (campaigns and design). If you have any questions related to Habbo please refer to your local Habbo It's free and easy to play Hideaway on both iOS and Android devices. Download the app for iOS on the App Store or Habbo for Android on Google Play. Please
Habbo (previously known as Habbo Hotel) is a social networking service and online community aimed at teenagers and young adults. The website has been owned and operated by Sulake, a Finnish corporation that was under the Azerion network. The service began in 2000 and it has expanded to include nine online communities (or "hotels"), with users in over 150 countries.
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Habbo uses its own and third-party cookies in order to provide a better service and display advertisement that fits your preferences. By using our website you agree to our cookie policy. Bienvenue à l'U engagez-vous ! Qui est en ligne ? Nos membres ont posté un total de 2 messages Nous avons 5 membres enregistrés L'utilisateur enregistré le plus récent est xXGamingXx: Il y a en tout 0 utilisateur en ligne :: 0 Enregistré, 0 Invisible et 0 Invité :: 1 Moteur de recherche Le record du nombre d'utilisateurs en ligne est de 6 le Mer 31 Mai - 2:46